DEM, DTM, DSM and DHM – how does it rhyme…

January 12th, 2023 komentáre: 0

This article is created as a small overview of the terminology of modeling topographic surfaces in GIS. pokračuj / entry »

QGIS quick howtos

December 20th, 2022 Comments Off on QGIS quick howtos

Podobne ako pri ArcGISe, tak pár rýchlych howtos, aby som si v hlave mohol držať dôležitejšie veci… pokračuj / entry »

Dollar street babies…

October 13th, 2022 komentáre: 0

Archeológia je (a vždy bola) pokus o trianguláciu našich a cudzích životov prostredníctvom materiálnych statkov – za pomoci kuchynského náčinia, hrobovej výbavy, veľkosti a vznešenosti príbytkov a tak. Výraz triangulácia som, myslím, recykloval od prof. Komárka. pokračuj / entry »

ethnic festival – notes on “ethnic costume” in archaeology

October 10th, 2022 komentáre: 0

Take a good look at the photo below. The photo is from the “International Ethnic Festival in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 07 July 2022”, simply a meeting of people from the post-Soviet empire celebrating some nonsense, like thirty years ago (brotherhood, unity and such things). The festival also takes place during the tense moments of the national genocide in Ukraine and depicts young Russian women enthusiastically representing “Russian folklore”. pokračuj / entry »

On reutilization in archaeology, Roman monuments and my son’s obsession

September 29th, 2022 komentáre: 0

Years ago I admired the houses in the village of Bezděz under the castle of the same name. On the houses where the plaster had fallen off (and there were a lot of them, my goodness), the stone walls with the stone markers of the medieval construction company that built the nearby Bezděz Castle stood out beautifully. An example of reutilization of building material… pokračuj / entry »