Bringing the new life to old archaeological documentation – from paper to 3D (case study)

March 15th, 2020 komentáre: 0

It is quite common to decomposite the terrain situation into simple entities for better undestanding – a process called an archaeological terrain documentation. However only few people understand this attitude properly in sense of consequent synthesis of documented sources. In the case of later graphics/presentation we could easily speak about reverse modeling. In the following section we would present the abilities of 3D modeling for “bringing the life of ordinary documented stratigraphic features”.
Following pictures represent the source (quite simple) documentation of typical rectangular trench.

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AutoCAD and stratigraphic single context recording

February 8th, 2018 komentáre: 0

Cleaning my storage space at home I found something I wrote years ago (during years in private archaeological company). pokračuj / entry »

AutoCAD MAP 3D – automatické labels pre entity s objektovými datami

February 1st, 2015 komentáre: 0

Úvodom pozdravujem Riška z Košicov.

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CAD v archeológii IX. – tlač. AutoCAD Map.

September 30th, 2010 komentáre: 3

V prostredí Mapu pochopiteľne funguje i klasická tlač prostriedkami “holého” AutoCADu, zameriam sa však na jeho špecifickú oblasť – Mapovú knihu (Map Book) pokračuj / entry »

CAD v archeológii VIII. – tlač. “Vanilla” AutoCAD (pár trikov).

September 9th, 2010 komentáre: 0

Trochu netradične budem v seriáli pokračovať tlačovými výstupmi, v prostredí “holého” (“vanilla”) AutoCADu. Predpokladám, že základné postupy (rozdiel medzi Model Space a Layout Space a práca v nich) sú jasné, takže sa zameriam skôr na špecifické záležitosti (triky). pokračuj / entry »

kde som / where am i?

práve si prezeráš CAD v archeológii kategóriu v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….