A bit of that wild nature in the middle of a dehumanized civilization…

September 13th, 2023 komentáre: 1

Look carefully at the photo. It depicts the situation before my current job in a corporation, where I create (mostly) nonsense that, however, allows me to feed my family.

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A wilderness belt as a response to the discontinuity of agricultural work

July 28th, 2023 komentáre: 0

As the popular saying goes “inter arma silent musae”, not only the muses, but also ordinary village life. pokračuj / entry »

Anthropocene – great news for archaeologists

December 14th, 2020 komentáre: 0

In December 2020, Nature published a study claiming that the amount of man-made goods (i.e., artifacts) exceeded the amount of natural biomass. I do not intend to assess the validity of such a statement (the article also sources data and method of calculation), rather I would add a few archaeological considerations: pokračuj / entry »

A church buried in stratigraphy in almost original state

May 24th, 2020 komentáre: 0

Northwest Bohemia is a strange piece of land. Mordor of the Czech Republic, the place from which the people moved the Germans after the war and destroyed the original landscape by coal mining and the construction of chemical plants. pokračuj / entry »

A cheap attempt at archeoethnography

March 8th, 2020 komentáre: 0

Looking at an old photograph (1930s) of this gypsy settlement in eastern Slovakia, I wonder what Barca and other prehistoric calves looked like in the Bronze Age of the North Carpathians.

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kde som / where am i?

práve si prezeráš landscape kategóriu v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….