A bit of that wild nature in the middle of a dehumanized civilization…

September 13th, 2023 § 1

Look carefully at the photo. It depicts the situation before my current job in a corporation, where I create (mostly) nonsense that, however, allows me to feed my family.

Polished facades, geometrizing infrastructure and high-quality pedestrian areas signal a high degree of complexity and artifactuality of the scenery. The area, which several thousand years ago was a wilderness on one of the Vltava terraces and a hundred years ago a dirty suburb of Prague, is smoothed, depersonalized, “corporatized”. To the extent that an island of “wilderness” was created in the middle of the concrete and marble, with a “native” tree and tufts of meadow flowers.
Make no mistake – those plants did not grow there spontaneously. In the piled-up body of the underground substrate hides an ingenious tangle of irrigation and nutrient bodies (various hoses and hubs peeking out of them), the plants themselves were brought there and implanted by a company designated for this purpose, and the whole complex is kept alive by a mixture of ingenious gardening procedures – so that the illusion of nature and spontaneity.
It is actually the second level of complexity – the first is the “civilization” with the roof and facades.
In terms of entropy, this is “entropic faking”, where an object originally of high entropy (“natural wilderness”) is created and maintained by supplying energy to make in a  low-entropy environment…

§ 1 komentár k “A bit of that wild nature in the middle of a dehumanized civilization…”

  • Richard says:

    Perfect article.Somehow it seems to us this wilderness more nice and more comfortable then real smoothly winning areas of wilderness like brown fields.
    And I like term natural wilderness….

  • § Hoď komentár

kde som? / where am i?

práve čítaš A bit of that wild nature in the middle of a dehumanized civilization… v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….
