AutoCAD MAP 3D – automatické labels pre entity s objektovými datami

February 1st, 2015 komentáre: 0

Úvodom pozdravujem Riška z Košicov.

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clipping geodatabase features in Civil 3D / Map 3D

January 4th, 2015 komentáre: 0

Sometimes You need to clip/crop features spatially – lets say Your dataset is too big for any reasonable work (Fig. 01 – 02). There are as usual more ways how to achieve this in CADs:

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Converting geodatabase features into native .DWG objects

December 31st, 2014 komentáre: 1

Sometimes there is need to get pure AutoCAD objects (e.g. polylines) from geospatial features coming from external sources like SHP or SDF. Both AutoCAD Civil 3D and Map 3D provide instruments for this but hardly anyone knows alternative ways how to achieve this. pokračuj / entry »

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 error “FDO Provider OSGeo.SHP.3.7 Not Registered”

December 31st, 2014 komentáre: 0

If following error message appears it does not mean that You have not appropriate piece of software present (typically some dynamic library) but only “not registered” in Your AutoCAD Civil environment.

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Export dat z Civilu 3D do GPS Garmin

October 30th, 2010 komentáre: 2

Krátky príspevok ku konkrétnemu problému – ako bezbolestne preklopiť dáta naprojektované v Civile, do GPS Garmin Oregon. Tieto prístroje sú pomerne rozšírené a užívajú ich nielen turisti rušiaci kamzíky v Tatroch, ale i archeológovia v teréne (ich presnosť je dostatočná napr. na povrchové zbery). Ja som tento problém riešil pri zberoch s královéhradeckou katedrou archeologie. pokračuj / entry »

kde som / where am i?

práve si prezeráš články označené ako Civil 3D na ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….