I’ve decided to take a closer look to pyArchInit – not only because we had started a similar project in Archeoconsult, but the whole application design seems very attractive…
pyArchInit – seems interesting. Python + QGIS + Postgres could not be a bad recipe…
June 23rd, 2016 komentáre: 0
Noticka k inštalácii MySQL na Oracle Linux
January 16th, 2010 komentáre: 2
Ešte pár poznámok k MySQL na Oracle Linux. Dúfam, že to nečíta žiadny linuxák, ak áno, tak nech sa preventívne prefackuje, aby neomdlel… pokračuj / entry »
Dynamické vkladanie popiskov (pomocou databázy)
September 6th, 2008 komentáre: 0
Keywords: AutoCAD/Map/Civil 2008, popisky, labeling, databáza, efektivita práce pokračuj / entry »