A wilderness belt as a response to the discontinuity of agricultural work

July 28th, 2023 komentáre: 0

As the popular saying goes “inter arma silent musae”, not only the muses, but also ordinary village life. pokračuj / entry »

Jak naloadovat online mapy (Google maps a Bing maps) do Civilu 3D a GISu

October 27th, 2021 komentáre: 1

Mať podkladové mapičky sa dnes oplatí, akurát to skurvené S-JTSK ako vždy robí problémy… pokračuj / entry »

visibility analysis I.

April 3rd, 2020 komentáre: 0

The “visibility” in GIS environment is frequent and simple method of spatial analysis in various fields (e.g. archaeology, tourism, military survey etc… ). Sometimes it is called viewshed one. The use of this kind of analysis in archaeology  is based on assumption of:

  • the strategic position of a site for defence purposes (visual monitoring of a certain area; mostly the roads and crossroads?)
  • or the site regional significance/social presentation (a site demonstrates itself for a specific area) – not military objects exclusively, consider e.g. religious objects as well (church, cathedral etc…).
  • or both
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zdroje elevation dat kde kade po svete

March 22nd, 2020 komentáre: 2

V prípade, že potrebuješ elevation data (najčastejšie DEM) odnekiaľ z Tramtárie, kde nemajú ešte vlastné lidary… pokračuj / entry »

Landscape archaeology under the Mount Elbrus – two weeks of vodka, dust and prehistoric tumuli

September 18th, 2019 komentáre: 2

“Russia is like a woman. Pretty, passionate but unfathomable” (Osman M. B.)

Pavel Vařeka & his Melody Boys from Pilsen archaeological department invited me to join the Czech expedition to Caucasus sometime in October 2018 and such an offer can not be refused. We jumped there from Russian (northern) side and were focused on valleys around Mount Elbrus. Or, better to say, Karachayevsk Uni was our alma mater and healing basecamp after hangeovers for two weeks. pokračuj / entry »

kde som / where am i?

práve si prezeráš GIS & landscape kategóriu v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….