Thinking stratigraphy 01. Few remarks to cumulative sections in terrain archaeology.

June 21st, 2015 komentáre: 0


Doing the rescue archaeology for almost one decade I never saw the cumulative section in terrain praxis. A standard way to get vertical documentation of an “object” (although I hate this term I would use it) is cutting to two halves, or more rectangular parts in the case of a larger object. I would consider the simplest kind of a sunken object in following text contemptuously proclaimed as “pit with that … ceramics” (greetings to Peter Kostrhun :)).

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aerial photography on Duvansko Polje (Hercegovina) II. Terrain modeling.

October 25th, 2014 komentáre: 0

Previous post about an aerial imagery in south Bosnia and Herzegovina was focused primarily on spectacular beauty of karstic landscape (Fig. 01) and the presentation of general results as well.

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Brown’s distortion model

November 8th, 2013 komentáre: 0

I wrote a short item about raster rectification issues a month ago. The projective method mentioned at the very end of the article was designated as problematic in Autodesk Raster Design environment so I took some time to clear theoretical things behind that (since I work with Agisoft Photoscan for some time). pokračuj / entry »

AutoCAD Raster Design – raster rectification overview

May 12th, 2013 komentáre: 1

Among other interesting functions, AutoCAD Raster Design has some possibilities to rectify raster images through well-known function Rubbersheet that enables two basic methods of rectification (triangular and polynomial). As far as I remember from my photogrammetry courses there are also other methods to do these things and there is general misunderstanding of theoretical background of two above mentioned as well. So the question is:

  • how do these methods work; what are they useful for?
  • where do they belong in the wide field of raster data processing?

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Využití fotogrammetrie v české archeologii – recenzia

August 23rd, 2009 komentáre: 2

Do rúk sa mi dostala definitívna verzia bakalárskej práce Martina Waltra s názvom “Využití fotogrammetrie v české archeologii”, FF ZUČ v Plzni, 2009. V rámci nezmerných akademických výšin, v ktorých sa moje ego neustále pohybuje, mi pochopiteľne práca nejakého bakalárika neprijde zaujímavá .>), lež k mojmu samotnému údivu som v nej uvedený čoby konzultant a z tohto dovodu sa cítim kompetentný vyjadriť k nej svoj názor. Nuže, kádrový rozsudok…

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kde som / where am i?

práve si prezeráš fotogrammetria kategóriu v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….