A wilderness belt as a response to the discontinuity of agricultural work

July 28th, 2023 komentáre: 0

As the popular saying goes “inter arma silent musae”, not only the muses, but also ordinary village life. pokračuj / entry »

Naive essays of spatial archaeology 02. Tyres, waste, kernel density

January 27th, 2023 komentáre: 0

Each time demands a different lifestyle, and since the current time dictates a healthy and balanced style, I started running. pokračuj / entry »

DEM, DTM, DSM and DHM – how does it rhyme…

January 12th, 2023 komentáre: 0

This article is created as a small overview of the terminology of modeling topographic surfaces in GIS. pokračuj / entry »

QGIS quick howtos

December 20th, 2022 Comments Off on QGIS quick howtos

Podobne ako pri ArcGISe, tak pár rýchlych howtos, aby som si v hlave mohol držať dôležitejšie veci… pokračuj / entry »

Dollar street babies…

October 13th, 2022 komentáre: 0

Archeológia je (a vždy bola) pokus o trianguláciu našich a cudzích životov prostredníctvom materiálnych statkov – za pomoci kuchynského náčinia, hrobovej výbavy, veľkosti a vznešenosti príbytkov a tak. Výraz triangulácia som, myslím, recykloval od prof. Komárka. pokračuj / entry »