Valid for GIS 3.2 (Bonn). pokračuj / entry »
QGIS Lidar quick howto
March 7th, 2019 komentáre: 0
Archivní mapové podklady Litoměřicka, Liběšic a Dolních Chobolic zvláště
May 8th, 2018 komentáre: 0
Zdroje prezentace, tak, jak jsme si popovídali o mapách Chobolic a Liběšic v březnu 2018, jsou veřejné a online:
The best analogous (hardware) maps of the world are… those from Soviet Russia…
April 28th, 2018 komentáre: 3
While Russian people of Soviet era have been usually lost in landscape due to civil maps of a poor quality and deliberate inaccuracies, those used by interior and military units were undoubtedly the most precise and information rich of the world maps.
Uncle Joe knew where you lived (and what is a color of your carpet) as John Davies clearly showed (part 02 is here). pokračuj / entry »
diss 01. Surface sampling on R35 motorway project
October 10th, 2017 komentáre: 1
A few years ago (2010 – 2012) I participated on huge predictive modeling project of settlement patterns in Eastern Bohemia due to planned motorway civil engineering project. One of the data sources for the model were the results of surface sampling along the path of the future motorway. I finally jumped to my dissertation about this by chance. pokračuj / entry »
Protected: ArcGIS Desktop raster shading techniques
October 2nd, 2016 Enter your password to view comments.