A church buried in stratigraphy in almost original state

May 24th, 2020 § 0

Northwest Bohemia is a strange piece of land. Mordor of the Czech Republic, the place from which the people moved the Germans after the war and destroyed the original landscape by coal mining and the construction of chemical plants. An area where villagers are staunch communists and intellectual suspects …
The town of Most is known for the fact that it does not exist in its original form – it was completely destroyed by coal mining. Tourists know the fate of the Most church, relocated hundreds of meters away from the original location. A lesser-known church is located nearby – in the original village of Radovesice.
You would be looking for this village unnecessarily today – the comrades were also removed because of the coal. The Church of All Saints was neither destroyed (as usual) nor relocated (as exceptional), it was simply buried. Under a pile of tailings from coal mining in 1983 …
Let’s see, the modern archaeologization of the sacral monument …


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práve čítaš A church buried in stratigraphy in almost original state v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….
