naive essays of spatial archaeology 02. Night in Berlin.

August 6th, 2019 § 0

Looking at the light polution of night Berlin taken in 2016 by ISS from the Universe there are two clear spatial patterns:

  1. Eastern part of Berlin (post-commuinst) is enlighted by yellow sodium bulbs used in “Eastern” infrastructure while western by “whither” light sources (neon/LED etc…). After 30 years of political and social chnge there is obvious and very clear continuity between “east” and “west” public light delimitation.
  2. According server there is another suprising about lights of night Berlin – eastern (traditionally “poor”) Berlin emits more intense light and is brighter than its western counterpartner. Interesting…

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práve čítaš naive essays of spatial archaeology 02. Night in Berlin. v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….
