Article on tandyrs from southern Kyrgyzstan

November 6th, 2024 § 1

After a year of tireless ethnoarchaeology in Central Asia, I managed to sneak an article into JAA about tandyrs – their production, technology, distribution and use by end customers. And the implications for archeology and why tandyrs in Kyrgyzstan are so little known archaeologically.

The article is free to download until the end of November, then the paywall will be closed and the article will be for money (well, we will somehow manage this). So download if you’re into this technology.

I visited my “tandyrchiki” friends in Kyrgyzstan, where I am again on an expedition this year, and I brought them one copy. They are genuinely excited :)…

§ 1 komentár k “Article on tandyrs from southern Kyrgyzstan”

  • […] more traditional in Kyrgyzstan than a nomadic yurt (in all tourist resorts right on the spot) and a tandyr (bread is always traditional, why is that?). And when you combine tradition with bad […]

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práve čítaš Article on tandyrs from southern Kyrgyzstan v ďobo-CADzone, true men don't kill coyotes and use AutoCAD….
